Cosmetic surgery

Umbilical or invaginated nipples

Umbilical or invaginated nipples are a malformation that affects one in ten women. This malformation of the nipples can concern one or both breasts. Umbilical nipples: what is it? Umbilical nipples or invaginated nipples are a malformation that affects one…

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Tuberous breasts, breast surgery

The breast is a strong symbol of femininity. This is why an abnormality in the breasts is often a major handicap for a woman, especially when she is a teenager. The breast deformity that is the most difficult for women…

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Asymmetrical breasts

When there is a difference in volume and or shape between the two breasts, it is called breast asymmetry. Breast asymmetry can be more or less important. When breast asymmetry is important, it can cause significant discomfort that is amplified…

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Poland syndrome, breast surgery

Poland syndrome is a rare disease that affects one in 30,000 births in France. This malformation affects more little boys than girls. Among the characteristics of the disease, there is a total or partial absence of the pectoralis major muscle,…

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Breast reconstruction after cancer

Recourse to cosmetic and reconstructive surgery is encouraged after recovery from breast cancer. In fact, breast reconstruction is now part of the overall management of breast cancer. Mastectomy (total or partial surgical removal of a breast) remains a very difficult…

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